Boasting an award winning ensemble cast, the comedy-mystery film Inherent Vice based on the 2009 novel written by Thomas Tynthom, is more of a crime drama that takes place in the late 60’s. Private … [Read more...]
Walk the Line
A film you definitely want to see before the end of the year is the exciting biography about the life of Johnny Cash entitled, Walk the Line. In the mid 50’s a small time musician named Johnny Cash … [Read more...]
Ladder 49
Fear, courage and friendship are all emotions you will feel in the thrilling drama Ladder 49. Joaquin Phoenix plays a firefighter who responds to a fire in a 20 story building in downtown Baltimore. … [Read more...]
A famous general who became a fearless slave then a mighty gladiator is the theme for the movie Gladiator. Russell Crowe is Maximus, the general of the powerful Roman army. Maximus is loved by the … [Read more...]