
Jays Rating:

The true story about U.S. Air flight 1549 that landed in the Hudson River with 155 people onboard and was coined Miracle on the Hudson is now a film titled, Sully. It’s January 15, 2009 and pilot Chessley “Sully” Sullenberger (Tom Hanks) has just lifted off the tarmac at Laguardia Airport when the plane collides with a flock of geese. Within a matter of seconds, Sully makes the decision to land the plane in the frigid waters of the Hudson River. With the help of his co-pilot, Jeff Stiles (Aaron Eckhart) and the flight attendants, the passengers are herded onto the wings of the floating plane. Within minutes, the people of New York assist by sending large ferry boats out to the plane to pull the passengers to safety. Sully is heralded as a hero until the National Transportation Safety Board begins an investigation claiming Sully could have diverted the plane back to the airport without any trouble. (Can you say ignorant.) Fortunately, he had his wife Lorraine (Laura Linney) by his side to help him deal with his post-traumatic stress, nightmares, and the fear of losing his job. (Okay, maybe not standing beside him, she gave most of her help over the phone.) This is a powerful film with great acting and a director at the top of his game. Clint Eastwood knows exactly how to tell this story without relying on a slow motion crash scene. (My wife isn’t a fan of plane crashes, but she said this was done so well she actually enjoyed it.) Eastwood manages to make an entire film out of 208 seconds of action and suspense that elapsed after the plane hit the birds and lands in the river. Fortunately, he has Tom Hanks to show the audience a range of emotions from concern to anxiety based on the events that followed. This is another award winning performance by Hanks and the supporting role of Eckhart is perfect. Eastwood knows this movie isn’t an epic so he keeps the length to just over an hour and a half and doesn’t add in any ridiculous subplots to bog it down. This is one of my favorite films so far this year and I’m giving it an A- rating.

This movie has been given a PG13 rating by the MPAA

Although I am blind, I can appreciate a good movie as well as sighted individuals. I rely more on a good story line than special effects.