Recess: School's Out

Jays Rating:


For all you kids who are fans of the animated television program Recess, you’re going to love the movie Recess: School’s Out. The last day of school is over and T.J. Detweiler is already making big summer plans for himself and his fourth grade friends. The problem is that his friends Gretchen, Spinelli, Gus, Vince, and Mikey have already made plans to go to camp for the summer leaving T.J. alone. After his friends are gone, T.J. walks past his school and sees strange people going in and out and mysterious lights coming from within. He goes to the police and they dismiss him as a bored kid, so he goes to the Principal’s house for help. (When I was in school the only thing I received from the Principal was help keeping my backside warm.) When T.J. and Principal Vance Prickly go back to the school to investigate, Principal Prickly disappears leaving T.J. alone once again. Now he needs help from his friends. He has his sister drive to the summer camps, find all of his friends, and bring them back for a showdown with the invaders. Believe it or not this film is fun for the whole family. It’s fast paced and keeps the attention of the kids while oldies music plays for us old farts. I’ve never seen the television show, so I’m judging the movie on its own merit and I give it a B rating.

This movie has been given a PG rating by the MPAA

Although I am blind, I can appreciate a good movie as well as sighted individuals.
I rely more on a good story line than special effects.